We make f ilms


Rikako Takahashi



Rikako Takahashi is a Japanese video director and editor, who is interested in examining the relationship between architectural space and human movement. Takahashi started her career as music video director while studying at Musashino Art University. Since graduating in 2013, she has worked for various documentary projects in Tokyo, New York and Toronto.


武蔵野美術大学映像学科在学中よりMVディレクターとして活動。2015 年から北米に滞在し、「The Steam Canoe Short Documentary」をOCAD University の協力のもと製作。フジテレビ系ドキュメンタリー番組「TARO」、ウガンダの原住民族Batwa の文化と生活を描いたドキュメンタリー映画「The Ghosts of Our Forest」に携わり、現在は都市・建築と人々との関わりを物語として映像に収める試みを行なっている。




Sally is a filmmaker based in Tokyo. She studied filmmaking in New York City. Her versatile portfolio spans music video, non-fiction and commercials.




Film can convey architecture

in a narrative form.

There are many elements which affect our perception of architecture such as light, human interaction and weather.  The time-based media of film can visualize such aspects and allow people to see architecture from a different perspective.

We believe film is the best way to encompass the true beauty of architecture.


We make f ilms

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